Outside legal support - SME -
JurisNexus provides MSE's, with legal advice, drafting and negotiation support in business law and real estate.
JurisNexus also handles litigation cases and assists you in alternative dispute resolution procedures.
For a detailed overview of the specific expertise of each of the JurisNexus team members, please revert to "JurisNexus Team" at the heading of this page.
"We provide you with concise, solution-oriented advice, and avoid long memo's that you don't have time to read."
We are willing to brainstorm with our clients in order to increase "efficiency". On this note, we can prepare legal templates and standard documents, as required for your specific business.
Just as every other sound business is aiming at, in times of economic, and financial turmoils, we all need to become very cost conscious.
"Therefore, JurisNexus' organization costs have been reduced to a very reasonable level. JurisNexus implements all means to offer you high quality legal support and international excellence at affordable rates."
We try to provide realistic fees estimates at the commencement of each project. We keep our clients updated with the time spent on each project on a regular and proactive basis.