In-house legal support - SME -
From a cost management perspective, some SME's are not systematically eager to hire a legal in-house counsel on a "full-time" basis, taking into account the relatively low amount of legal input requirement. Such SME's however are often left with a gap in terms of legal support within their organization, as part-time in-house profiles are difficult to find on the Belgian market.
One approach to this, is to leave the legal support gap as it is, but the risk of litigation (absent any in-house legal risk management) then increases tremendously.
"Such SME's may end up with litigation against their suppliers, their clients, share- or stake holders and, regardless whether they win or loose such litigation, they will have to pay substantial attorney fees to be properly defended and will have to deal with the uncertain outcome of long lasting litigation…"
And this is where JurisNexus comes in with a proactive approach.
JurisNexus may help you, via its broad network of lawyers, to select and hire a qualified lawyer "seconded to your enterprise", without social security charges for your organization, as in-house counsel on a part-time basis, for a number of days a week depending on your specific needs. "Not neglecting legal risk management at an early stage with JurisNexus on your side, enables you to avoid later costs and expenses."
Other enterprises need legal support for a specific project, limited in time (e.g., temporary replacement of in-house counsel due to pregnancy or illness; day-to-day legal management by a legal interim manager when the in-house counsel has to focus on a time absorbing M&A transaction, etc.). "JurisNexus may help you to find, or provide you with, a qualified lawyer, as legal interim manager for such projects, without any social security charges for your organization."
Our lawyers have a business, pragmatic, no nonsense approach; some of them have had "in-house" experiences in the past and are selected not only on the basis of their academic background/knowledge, but also on their interpersonal skills and business-oriented approach of law.
In-house legal support may be enhanced by "outside legal support"; JurisNexus Team remains at your disposal to strengthen an "in-house legal support" partnership with supplementary "outside legal support" services.