Business Law Practice at a glance
"In-house" legal support by JurisNexus - Legal support on a continuous basis:
Law firms are sometimes regarded as detached from their clients' reality, and not always properly understanding their clients' business, and needs. JurisNexus BVBA/SPRL (hereafter "JurisNexus") tries to be as close as possible to its clients business environment by offering modern partnerships, including "in-house" legal support partnerships.
Such close and continuous relationship enhances the provision of efficient, pragmatic, business oriented, legal support.
"Outside" legal support by JurisNexus - Legal support on a case by case basis:
"In addition to continuous legal support, JurisNexus Business Law Practice provides legal support, on a case by case basis. Depending on your internal legal expertise and available legal manpower, JurisNexus Business Law Practice meets your needs with made-to-measure complementary legal services."
Getting the equation right:
Companies having internal "legal expertise" available do not systematically have enough in-house "legal manpower"; JurisNexus is your partner to treat both back-office and higher-end legal "volume" at a competitive rate.
Companies having internal "legal manpower" available, do not systematically have the required "legal expertise" to handle all specific business law issues they need to address in the frame of their activities; JurisNexus has legal experts at your disposal in various business law area's to solve a wide range of specific legal issues at competitive rates. If JurisNexus does not have the required level of expertise in a very specific matter, we may however assist you to identify a "boutique law firm" that will address your particular legal concern appropriately.
Getting the equation "expertise"/"manpower" right, is the key to your and our success.
Our fees are competitive. We try to provide realistic fees estimates at the commencement of each project.
"We keep our clients updated with the time spent on each project on a regular and proactive basis."